West Melton Bowling Club - Weather Page

The picture below of the bowling green comes from a fixed mounted camera positioned outside the Club's office. The camera is operational daily from 6:00am to 9:00pm and takes a snapshot every 60 seconds. The time the picture was taken is displayed in the right upper corner. Click on the real time picture or on one of the time lapse pictures to see an enlarged copy shown on a separate page.

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The story about this page:

The weather plays an important part in the game of Lawn Bowls as most greens are open to the elements of mother nature. Only a few greens in New Zealand are covered in. However some greens have artificial surfaces that are not so affected by rain and heat. Below are some guidelines on choosing whether the West Melton Bowling Club green is open for play.

Bowls Canterbury:

Bowls Canterbury has a phone number called "The Information Line" which is 03 351 2225. However this does not always have the latest info on the state of play for all greens, in which case it is advisable to telephone the club that you are going to be playing at. The greenkeeper of the host club has the ultimate say on if the green is playable - please respect their decision, as keeping the green in good condition is a burdensome task.

Weather Conditions:

The yellow strip at the top of the page shows the West Melton weather conditions as supplied by the web site forecast7.com and if you click anywhere in the yellow strip another screen opens up with much more detailed information.


On the left hand side of this page you will find a Selections section with the following drop down menus.

Click on the picture to see an enlarged copy shown on a separate page - zoom with the mouse wheel is available. You can also download the picture.

At 4:00am daily all the previous day's pictures will be archived on our server for 7 days.

West Melton Weather Station for the weather now. A private weather station around 300m from the Green which is updated every 5 minutes. Click on the settings cog at the top right to change to Centigrade.

The picture below is from an NZTA camera mounted in the West Melton Township looking East along SH73, that shows the main traffic light controlled intersection, the Hope Church and back towards the Four Square supermarket. Access to the bowling club is via Weedons Ross Road, on the right of the picture. The picture is automatically refreshed every 60 seconds.

Finally, if you are coming from afar, you may wish to see what the conditions are like en-route, so you can choose the NZTA Canterbury Traffic Cameras in the left hand menu.

en route