Our new on-line calendar has been introduced in April 2018, details below:
Click on Our Calendar in the left menu to be taken to the full Calendar page.
It is a very advanced calendar, is easy to update and offers many features that will be extremely
helpful to us. You are encouraged to read the help files as well, when the cursor is over a field a
message 'pops' up to tell you about its function. Several club people have the authority to update the
calendar - so the update load is spread about. Click on the LuxSoft
logo in the bottom right hand corner to be taken to the author's web site and learn more about the
Calendar's capabilities. The author has been very helpful in guiding us on configuring the calendar
system to meet our specific requirements.
Clicking on Noticeboard on the left will take you
to another page that displays mainly teams selected to play in the foreseeable future, as well as
Competition entry names.
Below is a list of the Upcoming Events for approximately the next 3
months dating from today; again all the data is derived from the main Calendar entries. If you click on
a picture it will be shown full size in a separate Tab; similarly clicking on an event will
open up a separate page.