Buying your bowls is the major expense and the accessories can be purchased over time. Shown below are several links, however it should be stressed from the start that when buying from the Bowls Canterbury shop, the profit made by them goes back into supporting bowling squads in Canterbury - which must be a plus.
Buying bowls - the big question would be 'what bowls do I think suit me'? It is recommended that you try out the bowls that you like and think will suit your style of play. The club owns many sets of bowls for you to try and members are usually only too happy for you to try out their bowls. Suggest you borrow them and go down to the green and try them out by yourself. There are many sports shops to choose from in Christchurch and on-line in New Zealand. Plus Trademe if you want to take the risk! Footwear is an important item and there are several shops in Christchurch that sell regulation shoes. Bowls NZ have adopted Bowls Australia's recommendations for shoes.
Naturally we welcome any more questions you may have, so that they can be added to this page.
Bowls Canterbury (Fendalton) - Note that Bowls Canterbury no longer have an online shop.
Anderson & Hill (Barrington)
Aero Bowls (Eric Allison - Parklands)
Bowls Specialists (Wellington)
Bowls Direct (Tauranga)
Henselite (On-line)
Taylor Bowls Direct (On-line Queensland)
Bowls Avenue (Auckland)
Bowls Online (Auckland)
Aero Bowls (NSW-Australia)
Bowls Australia (Footwear)