Saturday 22 April 2023
This is the page for WMBC Newsletters from the 2022-2023 season.
Newsletters are available from the 2018-2019 season going forward. Just click on the season of interest in the Left Hand menu.
Previously the Newsletters were published via the Sporty/Sportsground website by Mike Burke, however as that site has now closed down; a new system has been developed for publication and ongoing historical storage. Please note that external web links contained in the PDF files may be broken or contain more recent information; this is increasingly likely as more time passes from the publication date of the newsletter.
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AGM to be held Monday 15th May, 7pm. Frews Contracting.
Tournament organisers. Crewcut.
Husband & Wife trophy winners. Pearce trophy (Mixed Pairs) winners.
Joyce Walsh - Netball New Zealand Service Award 2023.
Bowls Canterbury Club Executive Tournament winners. Super Pairs winners. Slipper Trophy winners. Green volunteers needed.
Spud day results. Green Post-season Rehabilitation Programme. Green volunteers needed.
Future events.
New dates.
New Members. Register for using club bowls.
Mens Colts Singles champion. Spud day approaching.
Bowls Etiquette continued. Volunteer Drivers sought.
Marking of Greens prior to play. Bingo nights. Bowls Etiquette continued.
Notable Future Events. Bowls Etiquette.
Malvern Mixed Pairs report.
Mens Club Pairs. New Member. Burkeys Bar.
Bowls over the coming month.
Pre-Xmas Social Twilight Bowls series. Nevada Sports Xmas Lunch & Bowls.
Club Xmas Party. Grants / Sponsorship Team Update.
CPR & AED update. Club Xmas Party.
Message from Tayla Bruce. Sponsorship & Grants.
Coming Events. Sponsorship & Grants success. Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) & Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) update. Our Sponsors.
Coming Events. Thanks. Front gate security. Coaching. Our Sponsors.
Coming Events. Thanks. Coaching. Our Sponsors.
Coming Events. Boundary Fence Raffle results. Pre-Xmas Social Bowls. Quiz night. New Members. Our Sponsors.
Coming Events. This Sunday at Bowls Hornby. Our Sponsors.
Coming Events. Boundary Fence Fundraising Raffle. Our Sponsors.
Coming Events. Club rooms & Green Security. Our Sponsors.
Early season events. Club Working Party thanks. Club Membership. Burkey’s Bar changes. Club rooms & Green Security. Our Sponsors.
Burkey’s Bar Reinvented. Club Membership. Bowls for West Melton School term 3. Lost Property. Our Sponsors.
Info from Board meeting. Club Membership. Bowls for West Melton School term 3. New member. Social Event Subcommittee. Sponsored signage for sale on west fence.