Sunday 10 July 2022
This is the page for WMBC Newsletters from the 2021-2022 season.
Newsletters are available from the 2018-2019 season going forward. Just click on the season of interest in the Left Hand menu.
Previously the Newsletters were published via the Sporty/Sportsground website by Mike Burke, however as that site has now closed down; a new system has been developed for publication and ongoing historical storage. Please note that external web links contained in the PDF files may be broken or contain more recent information; this is increasingly likely as more time passes from the publication date of the newsletter.
Important: To ensure that you receive the newsletters (and other occasional emails) in your Inbox, please add to your contacts/address book.
Some email systems also have a Safe Senders list or similar and it is also recommended you add the address there. See some easy to follow steps for common email systems.
(Note: adding to your contacts/address book and safe senders is also recommended.)
Info from Board meeting. Bowls Canterbury 2021/22 Awards. Golf Day winners. Fund Raising event for new fence. Club website. Social Event Subcommittee. Club Facilities Hire.
Card evenings. 9 hole Ambrose Golf day. Club Major Sponsors.
9 hole Ambrose Golf day.
Working party. 9 hole Ambrose Golf day. Card evenings. Club Major Sponsors.
Club AGM Monday 16 May. Vaccine Pass no longer required. Ian Mckinlay, Life Member.
Message from the Bar Manager - closing day coming up.
Helen Pearce - the WMBC Patron & Life Member.
Hiring of the club rooms.
Some club history.
Potato Day on Feb 12.
Board meeting Monday Feb 6.
Results and Vaccine Pass. New members.
Club Christmas Party Sat 4th Dec.
Presidents Trophy winners. Malvern Fives commences.
Important bank account change.
Off-season happenings.