Medical Information:

It is a well-known fact that playing a sport, at any age is good for the body, soul and mind.

Doctor's Profile:

Alastair Wilson: (Click the picture on the left) - Started his bowling career in 2014 at the Cheviot Bowling Club, where he received excellent early coaching from team members. He was the town's GP at the time and when he moved to a new role in Christchurch, and purchasing a lifestyle block near West Melton, looked for a new club. Cheviot Club members recommended the West Melton Bowling Club because of its good reputation and due to the connections between the two clubs, notably through Bob Burnett.

In his various medical roles Alastair has promoted the availability of and access to Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for both workers and the public. It is great that the WMBC has one available, as does the Weedons Country Club, the local golf club of which he is also a member. Members should have a basic knowledge of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), be aware that an AED is on site and not be afraid to use it. It saves lives. In the occurrence of a collapse and before grabbing the AED do remember to get someone to call 111, describing the situation and where you are. The AED is simple to use, just open it and follow the verbal instructions. It will only defibrillate (induce an electrical shock) if it recognises that it is required. It will not cause any harm to the person.

Also be aware of the need to recognise and act if a colleague, friend or family member has signs of a possible stroke The treatments available now for acute strokes are very effective but the person needs to get to a major hospital quickly for the treatment to be successful.

The acronym, FAST, applies to this situation and detects >90 % of major strokes - F for face droop (get the person to smile or show their teeth) A for arm (get the person to raise both arms to shoulder height) S for speech (the person will have slurred speech) T for time (even if only one of the above has occurred there is a need to get the person to hospital, ring 111).

Please ask Alastair any questions you have about CPR, the use of the AED and early recognition of strokes.

Please view these very important Links:

St John AED  This is an easy to follow instruction guide to using an AED

St John CPR  This is an easy to follow instruction guide to performing CPR

New Zealand Resuscitation Council  Excellent Guidelines to Resuscitation techniques.

Where is the WMBC's AED Located?

The AED was supplied with the aid of a grant from Air Rescue Trust and Fonterra and serves the four Clubs situated in the Domain; Bowls, Rugby, Scouts and Tennis.

Each club has a key box as shown on the right which gives access to the waterproof stainless steel cabinet mounted on the outside wall of the West Melton Bowling Club.

New Zealand Medical Sporting References:


Overseas Medical Sporting References:
